
Health and Safety, Front and Centre

The safety of our team and customers is our number one priority and we continually review our Health and Safety policies and procedures to maintain World Class Status working closely with the HSE.

14th December, 2020

Quite often there is a collective groan and numerous eye-rolls when anyone mentions the words ‘Health & Safety’. We often hear the words ‘it’s health and safety gone mad’ and ‘just use your common sense’. It isn’t until there has been an incident that people really start to pay attention. Health & Safety is often dismissed as a luxury, but it is integral in everything we do at Natural Generation. 
We have taken a non-comprisable approach to our training and the development and implementation of our Safety Management Systems and as a responsible employer, it is our duty to create and maintain a safe working environment; and for our contractors to co-operate with us to meet our legal obligations. 
We employ a full time Rescue Trainer to implement all relevant training to our technicians supported by our health and safety management team who continuously liaise with the HSE to create the safest working environment. 
It is essential our field and workshop technicians’ equipment, tools and safety apparel are maintained to the highest standard. We undertake daily visual inspections coupled with Statutory Inspections.  A multi-point, ground safety check is undertaken before our technicians begin any climb or works on a wind turbine. 

Our safety control measures are there not only to maintain compliance but more importantly, to keep our teams and customers safe. 
As a landowner who owns a wind turbine you have legal duties to protect anyone entering your land to repair or service your turbine. This duty of care extends to safety of our technicians as your turbine must be maintained and safe to climb. This can often be a confusing and time consuming process, but by having your operations and maintenance contract with Natural Generation you are protected, with your due diligence we shoulder the responsibility.  
Our strict protocols protect our team, customers and general public from injury and to protect our customer’s legal obligations. 

All of these attributes are included in all of our O&M contracts. Our duty of care keeps you and our team safe while keeping your turbine running. We follow all guidelines to excess to ensure the highest standards of health and safety in our procedures and equipment.

You can rely on us to protect you.